Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

Year 6 Useful Information

Parental Timetable: Key Information

  • PE is on a Monday and a Wednesday. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on these days. Swimming will be later in the year.
  • Homework is given out on a Monday. This sheet does not need to be returned.
  • The spellings and a mental maths focus from the homework sheet are tested the following Tuesday as a way of seeing that the children have completed their homework.
  • Children need to complete at least 30 minutes of Reading Plus at home each week. This can count as 2 nights of home reading.

Mental Maths

Knowledge of key maths facts will be essential in ensuring your children make the best progress they can. Times tables are particularly important. We ask that you support your child in learning these at home until they can recall all multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. All children have access to Times Table Rockstars which is a great programme to support this.


We expect every child in Year 6 to read every night.  We understand that some of the older children will be reading their own books and not their school home reader. This is okay but please still sign this in their reading record. We would ask that they read their school home reader at least three times a week as this is how the earn points for Renaissance Reading.

When a child completes their Reading Plus, this can count as home reading for a maximum of two nights as long as it is recorded in their reading record and it is signed. We encourage all children to use Reading Plus at home as frequently as possible as this is a tailored programme to support their individual needs.


We will send out spellings on a Monday to be tested on the following Tuesday.  Children are asked to spell the words in the context of a sentence so it may be useful to test them in this way at home also. All children also have a list of previous year’s spellings which they are still finding tricky. These are to work on at home.