Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

Year 4


Home learning will be provided as a daily home learning timetable (which will be uploaded to this page the night before each day) which sets out specific lessons for each day. Work will be sent by email and it is expected that work will be returned in this way (this may change as the term progresses, but I will let you know in advance should this be the case).

Daily Expectations

These should be done daily with your child for the minimum time which is stated. Evidence is not needed for these unless the weekly timetable says otherwise as this is repeated practise of skills:

  • Reading Plus (30 minutes)
  • Spelling (15 minutes)
  • Handwriting(15 minutes) – Booklet at home and copying out. This could be from a reading book, newspaper, leaflet, web page etc. The aim is for their handwriting to be joined, neat and clear to read with accurate letter height and size.
  • Hit the button (10 minutes) www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hitthe button (children should choose a different focus each day
  • Physical activity(1 hour) – This can be done across the day or in one go. We think it is really important that children stay active during this time. They can complete any activity of their choosing as long as they are keeping fit. Like last time, Joe Wicks PE lessons are available on Youtube.

Your child will also be set a maths and literacy lesson each day plus one other subject. The tasks for these can be found in the home learning timetable and any supporting worksheets will be emailed. Evidence will be needed for these unless the daily timetable says otherwise.

Marking and feedback

We will be keeping marking and feedback the same as how it is given school as far as possible. This means that there will not be written feedback given for all of their work. These are the ways we mark and give feedback:

  • Where possible, answer sheets will be sent along with the work so children can mark their work straightaway to see how well they have done and to see any areas they need more help with. This gives them immediate feedback. Children are very familiar with this as it is used daily in school.
  • Live lessons on Teams with the facility for discussing and asking questions which allows for verbal feedback and support.
  • Regular meetings through Teams via the posts section or a virtual meeting will allow work to be discussed and verbal feedback and support given.
  • Regular meetings through Teams via the posts section or a virtual meeting will allow work to be discussed and verbal feedback and support given.
  • Where appropriate, they will be given written feedback about their work

Home Learning Timetables

Wednesday 27.1.21

26.1.21 Tuesday

FRIDAY 22.1.21

Thursday 21.1.21

Home Learning Timetable 14.1.21

Home Learning Timetable 12.1.21