Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School


Hylton Castle Primary School Shop


Parents can purchase plimsolls from local supermarkets or local shoe shops like Wyndsors.

Water Bottles

As children enter Nursery they are given their first water bottle.  Water bottles can be purchased from the school office at £1.10.

School Uniform

Our school stockist for School Uniform is Emblematic Ltd.  Parents can complete a uniform order form from the school office.  Payment must be made at time of completing the form as uniforms are embroidered with your child’s name.  Parents can also order on line at the following address –


P.E. tshirts

Parents can purchase their child’s coloured P.E. tshirt from the school office for £2.50 each.  We have all the house colours available.  Payment can be made by bacs on the Sunderland City Council website or by cash at the school office.

School Performances – photos/videos

During the school year we may have performances such as our School Production, shows and displays that are video recorded.  Photos of your children are also taken from these events and maybe purchased. These maybe purchased from the school office.


School performances, shows, special assemblies are usually ticketed (due to the number of parents that we can fit in the school hall with all the children).  These tickets can be purchased from the school office.  News of these performances are advertised on your weekly newsletters.


From time to time, we collect on behalf of various charities, i.e. Children in Need, Wear it Red, British Heart Foundation,  British Legion.  We often have items to sell on behalf of these charities and they will be at the school office.