Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

School Council

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Our School Council

At the beginning of each academic year a new school council is elected, one or two members from each year group are voted to become the Class School Council representative. The School Council meets regularly with Mrs Wood, Headteacher and Mrs Kate Hunter, Deputy Headteacher. They always help us make big decisions about how we can improve things on our school. Important decisions they have made recently include:

  • The colour and design of our school uniform when we moved into our new building – voted on colour of uniform
  • Choosing playground designs for our new school – met with Specialist designers to discuss options
  • Interviews for playground buddies
  • How we can organise the layout and activities in our woodland area – visited Washington Wildfowl for inspiration
  • Fundraising ideas

2023 – 2024 Class School Council representatives are:

– Year 6   Lucas McMahon

– Year 5   Thomas Robins

– Year 4   Bobby Baker

– Year 3   Harry Gettins

– Year 2   JJ Angus

– Year 1    Anna Robins

– Year 1   Mollie Tasker
