Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School


RE Statement of Intent

At Hylton Castle Primary School , we follow a the ‘Discovery’ Scheme of work based on the Sunderland Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. We recognise the diversity of religious and non-religious families from which our pupils come. We welcome and celebrate this diversity, are sensitive to the home background of each child and work to ensure that all pupils feel and are included in our RE Programme. We recognise the importance of pupils’ all-round personal development and the leading role that RE plays in contributing to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural elements in particular. We believe in the importance of teaching these in a balanced way to ensure children develop a deep understanding of the key world faiths and cultures.

Through RE, we aim to provide our children with a range of quality, first hand experiences that challenge and inspire them to seek answers to life’s deepest questions, grow in independence and work out how to live a good life. We aim for children to be able to share their understanding and learn not only about belief systems but from them.


RE lessons are taught weekly.

Each lesson will be driven by a learning intention (taken from Discovery scheme in line with Sunderland agree syllabus and SACRE units) and have a clear outcome/ end product by the end of a particular topic

Acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the six key world faiths (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism and Hinduism) along with any other alternatives as appropriate that are represented within our community, in the United Kingdom and further afield

Developmental whole school progressional and developmental approach to Christmas and Easter from EYFS to Y6

RE recorded in class books.