Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School


PE  Statement of Intent

Here at Hylton Castle Primary School we recognises the value of Physical Education (P.E). Following the National Curriculum for physical education, we believe all children should:

develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

are physically active for sustained periods of time

engage in competitive sports and activities

lead healthy, active lives


  • Each week 2 PE lessons are taught by a specialised sports coach.
  • Each ½ term pupils must be taught two areas of PE skills. (Dance/ Gymnastics/ Games/ Athletics/ / Swimming (KS2) Block teach each unit following the scheme.
  • Every effort needs to be made to ensure children take full part in PE lessons, wearing kit ideally.  However, no child should be excluded from PE lessons.
  • Y4 take part in skipping competition with other Sunderland schools.
  • Sports premium funding enables specialised coach in role.
  • Each PE skill has a progression document from Reception-Y6 which clearly demonstrates progress expected in each skill – athletics, games, gymnastics, dance
