Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School



At Hylton Castle Primary School, our maths curriculum aims to equip our children with the maths skills, knowledge and understanding that they need to be able to be active citizens in society. We aim to show how maths is used in the real world (its value and purpose) and encourage children’s own dreams and goals around the subject and the wider world. We strive to increase our children’s beliefs in their own abilities, develop resilience and build a positive attitude towards maths. We are determined to support all children in achieving their full mathematical potential. For our children in particular, we promote the basic skills in number and calculation (recapping and applying previous learning within maths and across the curriculum) to develop true number fluency as we believe this will give them the tools they need to take their place in society. Furthermore, we believe in deepening children’s understanding of mathematical concepts and supporting them to become efficient mathematicians. We encourage our children to talk and think like mathematicians to develop their explanation and reasoning using accurate academic and mathematical language. Above all else, we strive to engage all children with mathematics and allow each and every child in our school to develop as a mathematician.


Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum and is delivered through a block approach which has been inspired by the structure of the White Rose Hub. Once a block has been taught, it is revisited in other areas to ensure children are continually reviewing previous learning then building upon it. Although there are LTP and MTP in place, staff use their knowledge of the needs of their children and regular assessment (both formal and informal) to adapt the curriculum as needed to allow challenge and support for all. Similarly, maths is taught using a mastery-style structure that has been adapted to meet the needs of our children. Through this, we use a CPA approach allowing children to explore new concepts through practical equipment/experiences moving to pictorial and abstract as and when needed. Children have daily basic skills sessions to support their development of number fluency and this includes the use of Mastering Number in EYFS and KS1. We have adopted the use of  ‘maths brains’ activity sheets in the majority of our lessons to provide our children with a variety of contexts and different levels of depth for each learning intention covered. This (combined with the use of mastery and a CPA approach) allows all children to access the learning and to be suitably challenged. The activity sheets are generated by the staff to meet the needs of their children but are supported by access to other resources such as White Rose Hub, Power Maths and Testbase. When our children find learning challenging, we aim to address this as quickly and effectively as possible including using pre-teaching, rapid, bespoke intervention and booster clubs. All of our staff follow the same maths policies which are in place to ensure consistency across the school.

Please see below for our progression documents within all areas of maths. These will show you by domain what the specific year group expectations are for each maths topic.