Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School

Year 2 Useful Information

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Things you need today… Clubs  

Activities, Trips or Visitors this week.


Reading Book & Diary (signed)

Spelling Test today

New spellings for next week issued

Maths targets tested and new ones issued.


KS1 Gymnastics club

3.10 – 4pm / 4 – 5pm

Year 2 writing booster (for invited pupils only) 3.00 – 3.30pm

Tuesday Reading Book & Diary (signed) KS1 Dodgeball club 3.15 – 4.15pm

Year 2 writing booster (for invited pupils only) 3.00 – 3.30pm

Wednesday Reading Book & Diary (signed)

PE Kit

Return Homework

KS1 Football club 3.15 – 4.20pm
Thursday Reaing Book & Diary (signed) Year 2 maths booster club (for invited pupils only)– 3.00 – 3.30pm
Friday Reading Book & Diary (signed)

Homework issued

KS1 Art Club 3.05 – 4.00pm


PE Lessons

Year 2 pupils have their PE lesson on a Wednesday Afternoon.  

Please ensure your child has a full PE kit (white t-shirt and Navy shorts) which are to be left in school and will be sent home at the end of each half term.

In Summer 2 the children will be attending swimming lessons at Castleview Academy.

Girls will need a black or navy swimsuit and a swimming cap (which can be purchased at Castleview). Boys will need black or navy swimming trunks (no shorts).



Homework will be given out on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.

Spelling test is on a Monday and new spelling will be issued on a Monday night, with a reminder sent home on a Friday with their homework.  

Children will also have a maths target to practise. Maths targets are tested on a Monday morning.



Reading books need to be brought to school every day.

Please hear your child read every day and record the pages read and the date in their home reading journal. Books can be changed daily if they have been signed off by a parent. If your child forgets to bring home their home reader they can read a book from home instead.

Try to read a story to your child every day.

Library books will be brought home weekly.

Other information

 Names in clothes please – shoes also!

Please make sure your child has a pair of black plimsolls for indoor wear again with names in.

Arriving / Home time routines

Doors open at 8.45am, there will be a Teaching Assistant on duty at the door to take any messages you may need to pass to the teacher.

Children will only be allowed to leave school if a parent or carer can be seen by the teacher – please wave!!!!

Please let the teaching assistant/office know in advance if another adult will be collecting your child.


