Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary School


PE  Statement of Intent

Here at Hylton Castle Primary School we recognises the value of Physical Education (P.E). Following the National Curriculum for physical education, we believe all children should:

develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

are physically active for sustained periods of time

engage in competitive sports and activities

lead healthy, active lives


  • Each week 2 PE lessons are taught by a specialised sports coach.
  • Each ½ term pupils must be taught two areas of PE skills. (Dance/ Gymnastics/ Games/ Athletics/ / Swimming (KS2) Block teach each unit following the scheme.
  • Every effort needs to be made to ensure children take full part in PE lessons, wearing kit ideally.  However, no child should be excluded from PE lessons.
  • Y4 take part in skipping competition with other Sunderland schools.
  • Sports premium funding enables specialised coach in role.
  • Each PE skill has a progression document from Reception-Y6 which clearly demonstrates progress expected in each skill – athletics, games, gymnastics, dance

FESTIVALS in red FESTIVAL prepReceptionYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Year  6
Autumn 1 Lesson 1  GamesInvasion Games Attacking & defending skillsInvasion Games Attacking & defending skillsInvasion Games Attacking & defending skillsInvasion Games Attacking & defending skillsAthletics TAG RUGBY FESTIVALAthletics TAG RUGBY FESTIVAL
Autumn 1 Lesson 2  Basic MovesAthleticsAthleticsInvasion Games HockeyInvasion Games HockeySwimmingSwimming
Autumn 2 Lesson 1 SEN SPORTS ABILITY FESTIVAL KS2  GymnasticsGymnasticsGymnasticsGymnastics HOCKEY FESTIVALSwimmingGymnastics ATHLETICS FESTIVALGymnastics ATHLETICS FESTIVAL
Autumn 2 Lesson 2 SEN SPORTS ABILITY FESTIVAL KS2  Basic MovesInvasion Games FootballInvasion Games FootballNet/Wall Games BadmintonGymnastics HOCKEY FESTIVAL Invasion Games football GIRLS FOOTBALL FESTIVALInvasion Games football GIRLS FOOTBALL FESTIVAL
Spring  1 Lesson GYMNASTICS FESTSIVAL KS2  DanceDanceDanceDanceDance Skipping DanceDance NETBALL FESTIVALDance NETBALL FESTIVAL
Spring  1 Lesson 2 GYMNASTICS FESTSIVAL KS2  Basic MovesGymnasticsGymnasticsSwimmingNet/Wall Games BadmintonInvasion Games NetballInvasion Games Netball
Spring 2 Lesson 1    GamesInvasion Games HandballInvasion Games HandballStriking and Fielding CricketStriking and Fielding CricketHockey HOCKEY FESTIVALHockey HOCKEY FESTIVAL
Spring 2 Lesson 2  Basic MovesNet & Wall games TennisSwimming (Y2)Invasion Games HandballNet / Wall Games Tennis  Striking & Fielding CricketStriking & Fielding Cricket
Summer 1 Lesson 1 DANCE FESTIVAL  (mixed KS1 & KS2)  GymnasticsStriking and Fielding CricketStriking and Fielding CricketAthleticsStriking and Fielding SKIPPING FESTIVALDance CRICKET FESTIVALDance CRICKET FESTIVAL
Summer 1 Lesson 2 DANCE FESTIVAL  (mixed KS1 & KS2)  Basic MovesSwimming (Y1)Net & Wall games TennisNet/Wall Games Tennis  AthleticsAthleticsAthletics  
Summer 2 Lesson 1  Athletics Sports Day  PrepAthleticsAthleticsStriking and Fielding QUAD KIDS ATHLETICS FESTIVAL  Invasion Games (Tag Rugby) QUAD KIDS ATHLETICS FESTIVALNet/Wall Games Tennis QUAD KIDS ATHLETICS FESTIVALNet/Wall Games Tennis QUAD KIDS ATHLETICS FESTIVAL
Summer 2 Lesson2  Basic Moves SPORTS DAYStriking & Fielding SPORTS DAYStriking & Fielding SPORTS DAYAthletics SPORTS DAY  Athletics SPORTS DAY    Athletics SPORTS DAYSwimming SPORTS DAY

PE Skills  Progression   

Key Stage 1

Pupils should develop fundamental movement skills, become increasingly competent and confident and access a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination, individually and with others. They should be able to engage in competitive (both against self and against others) and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations.

Pupils should be taught to:

  • master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
  • participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
  • perform dances using simple movement patterns.
Healthy Body and Mind
Reception Health & Fitness: Be aware of changes in the body during exercise (know body becomes hotter with increased sweating)Social: Work with others and take turns and share with supportCreative: Use imagination in creating different movements with supportShows understanding that good practices with regards to exercise contribute to good health.Year 1 Health & Fitness: Be aware of changes in the body during exercise (know that heart beats faster)Social: Work with others and take turns and share Creative: Use imagination in creating different movements with some supportYear 2 Health & Fitness: Be aware of changes in the body during exercise (know that heart rate/pulse increases, breathing becomes heavier & begin to  explain why this is happening)Social: Work effectively with others, taking turns and sharing.Creative: Use imagination in creating different movements independently.
Games Understanding
Reception Play games with simple rules.Apply skills of basic running, catching and throwing to simple games.Participate & co-operate in simple small sided games individually and with others.  Compete in simple games against self and othersRespond to and follow instructions.Participate in simple small sided team gamesIdentify areas of strength.Begin to use simple equipment safely.Transport equipment safely.  Year 1 Develop understanding of simple rules in games.Begin to apply basic movements in a range of different activities/games.Participate & co-operate in games individually and with others.  Compete in simple games against self and othersParticipate in simple small sided team gamesIdentify simple strengths and weaknesses in performance. Understand how to use simple equipment safely.Year 2 Develop understanding of rules in a variety of different games.Apply a variety of basic movements in a range of different activities/games with greater accuracy.Participate & co-operate in games individually and with others.  Compete in a variety of different games against self and othersParticipate in team games Understand what the terms attack and defend mean in game situations.Developing simple tactics for attacking and defending.Be able to identify areas of performance that could be improved.Understand how to use specific equipment safely
Invasion Games (e.g. netball, football, basketball, rugby, hockey)
Rec  – N/A          Year 1 Play simple small sided invasion gamesHit a ball with equipment using some control. Throw underarm and overarm (& towards a target)Catch and bounce a ball Travel with a ball in different ways and directions Pass the ball to another player Kick a ball accurately to someoneBegin to use space in a game Develop simple marking skills Develop simple dodging skillsBegin to apply marking and dodging skills to game situation.        Year 2 Play small sided invasion gamesStrike or hit a ball with increasing controlThrow in different ways for accuracy and distanceThrow, catch and bounce a ball with a partner/small groupBounce, kick and control a ball while travellingKnow how to pass the ball in different waysUse different ways of travelling at different speeds, pathways, directions and courseChange speed and direction while runningBegin to recognise the best space in a gameDevelop attacking & defending skills Apply simple attacking and defending skills to game situation. Develop basic tactics in simple team games and use them appropriately. Choose use and vary simple tactics. Be able to pass and stop a ball to a team mate accurately.Understand how to intercept a moving ball.Begin to lead others in a simple team game.
Net & Wall Games (e.g. tennis, badminton, volleyball)
Rec – N/AYear 1 Play simple, small sided net and wall gamesBe aware of safe spaces to move in and aroundWork with a partnerHit a ball using an appropriate object.Stand in correct position to hit ballHit/throw a ball at a specific targetHit/throw a ball over a netHit/return a bowled ball  Year 2 Play small sided net and wall gamesUse knowledge of safe spaces to make decisions about where to stand during a game.Hit and control a ball in movement working with a partner or in a small group.Vary body positioning to hit ball with accuracy.Hit/throw a ball accurately at a specific target over varying distancesHit/throw a ball over a net with increasing accuracyHit/return a received ball with increasing accuracyDevelop basic tactics in simple team games and use them appropriately.Choose use and vary simple tactics.Take part in games where there is an opposition.Begin to lead others in a simple team game.
Striking and Fielding Games  (e.g rounders, cricket)
Rec – N/AYear 1 Play simple small sided striking and fielding gamesKnow their role in a game.Be aware of rules in simple striking and fielding games. Be aware of safe spaces around them and suitable places to stand within a game.Show ability to work with a partner in throwing and catching games.Throw a ball accurately underarm.Catch and bounce a ball Throw a ball at a target using control.Use different techniques for rolling a ball/object with increasing controlHit a ball with increasing control using an appropriate object. Explore throwing and catching over different distances.Run between markers/around bases  Year 2 Play small sided striking and fielding gamesUse knowledge of safe spaces to make decisions about best places to stand during a team game to support the game.Clearly understand  their role in a game.Clearly understand the rules and aims of the game.Communicate and work effectively with a  partner in throwing and catching games.Begin to develop underarm bowling technique.Position the body to strike a ballThrow a ball accurately (underarm and overarm) at a target using increasing control.Catch and control a ball in movement working with a partner or in a small group.Use accurate rolling of ball as an efficient fielding techniqueStrike or hit a ball with increasing controlBegin to use techniques to stop a ball in play (fielding skills)Choose appropriate throwing and catching techniques for different distances.Make independent decisions about when to run between markers/around basesUse basic tactics in simple team games and use them appropriately.Take part in games where there is an opposition. Begin to lead others in a simple team game.
Reception Begin to use correct techniques for runningRun at different speeds and in different directions negotiating space to avoid obstacles.Jump from 2 feet to 2 feet with controlled landing Hop with some controlThrow large ball using two handsThrow small equipment using chosen handCatch large and small balls using correct techniqueSkip in time to music  Year 1 Vary pace and speed when running Run with a basic technique Jog and sprint in a straight line Change direction when jogging or sprinting Perform different types of jump Jump as high as possible Jump as far as possible Land safely and with control Thrown underarm and overarm Throw towards a targetImprove the distance that they throw  Year 2 Run at different paces using a variety of stride length Begin to select the most suitable pace and speed for distance Run with the accurate basic technique Perform and compare different types of jump Combine jumps together with some control Jump for distance from a standing position Throw different equipment in different ways Throw using one handThrow with accuracy at a target Investigate how to throw further
Reception   Perform simple log roll Perform  5 basic jumps Land safely after single jumpsJump off an object and land safelyTravel in different ways – Skipping, hopping, running, sliding, rolling etc..Explore balancing on different parts of the body  with some controlYear 1 Produce contrasting actions – small/tall, narrow/wide , tense/relaxed, stretched/curledExplore and perform ways of travelling   – jumping, hopping, skipping, running, rolling, gallopingTravel with control in different directions and speedsMove around, under, over and through different objects and equipment Explore and perform simple rolls – log roll and forward roll (squat)Explore and perform simple jumps – pin jump (arms up) jumping jack, half turnLand safely after single jumps Explore and perform simple balances with increasing control  – standing, kneeling, different shapes, large body partsCopy and perform a movement sequence with a beginning, middle and endYear 2   Travel in a variety of ways with control and accuracy (jumping, hopping, skipping, running, rolling, galloping & bunny hop)Explore and perform simple rolls – log, forward roll (squat), backward roll (squat) Explore and perform simple jumps – pin jump (arms up & down) tuck,  jumping jack, half turnLand safely with control and balance after single jumpsPerform simple balances with accuracy and control– (as for Year 1 + on apparatus, with partner, front and back support, bridge)Climb onto and jump off equipment safelyCopy, explore and remember actions and movementsLink actions smoothlyCreate and perform gymnastics sequences of their own (combining jumps, rolls, balances & travelling moves) which have a clear beginning and ending
Reception Move/travel confidently and safely in their own general space using changes of speed level and direction. Copy and repeat simple dance movements Explore own movement ideas and respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli. Put movement ideas together to create class dance.      Year 1 Move/travel confidently and safely in their own general space using changes of speed level and direction.Copy and repeat dance movements/ sequences  Explore own movement ideas and respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli. Perform movement phrases (motifs)using a range of body actions and body parts.Use simple choreographic devices – unison, canon Perform simple dance sequences of their own with a clear beginning, middle and end.      Year 2 Move/travel accurately  and safely in their own general space using changes of speed level and direction.Explore own movement ideas and respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli.Perform movement phrases (motifs)using a range of body actions and body parts with increasing accuracy and control.Move in time to music  (rhythm)Begin to apply expressive qualities of dance.Link movements effectivelyUse choreographic devices – unison, canon, mirroring Compose and link own motifs to make a simple dance with a beginning, middle and end.
Swimming (delivered by swimming coaches)
Reception Not taught in this Year groupYear 1 Put face into waterJump into pool with supportSwim width of pool with supportDevelop water confidence through a range of exercises, games and drills. Develop understanding of water safety.Learn skills of kicking, arm pull, breathing techniques, correct body position to improve buoyancy and stroke efficiency.Year 2 Enter and exit water safely and in a controlled wayUse correct arm and leg movements for breaststrokePut head under waterJump into pool independentlySwim using arms only/legs only with the support of equipment.Swim full length of pool independently (any stroke)Develop water confidence through a range of exercises, games and drills. Develop understanding of water safety.Learn skills of kicking, arm pull, breathing techniques, correct body position to improve buoyancy and stroke efficiency.

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Key Stage 2

Key stage 2 Pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success.

Pupils should be taught to:

  • use running, jumping, throwing and catching in isolation and in combination
  • play competitive games, modified where appropriate [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders and tennis], and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending
  • develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance (for example, through athletics and gymnastic) perform dances using a range of movement patterns
  • take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team
  • compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
  • swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres.
  • use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)
  • perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Healthy Body and Mind
Year 3 & 4 Know that the body changes during and after exercise and give correct scientific explanations of effects on the body.Know that exercise is important for a healthy body and lifestyle and give examplesSocial: Work with others, encourage and give feedback.Creative: Create tactics for necessary games and apply own creative ideas to dance and gymnastics sequences.Year 5 & 6 Give accurate scientific explanations to describe how the body is affected both before, during and after exercise.Know the importance of exercise to our mental wellbeing and give examples.Social: Understanding the importance of exercise and sport in social environments and for their adult life.Creative: Develop tactics and apply them for defending and attacking situations and apply own creative ideas to dance and gymnastics sequences.  
Games Understanding
Year 3 Pupils are familiar with basic rules of games. They are beginning to apply them in a range of situations.Pupils can identify when they are successful and the next steps in their learning (with some support)Pupils are able to identify the sporting spirit values. They can apply them during a game situation. (with some support)Understand how to use equipment safely (with some support)Year 4 Pupils are familiar with rules of games played. They can apply them in a range of situations.Pupils can identify when they are successful and the next steps in their learning. (independently) Pupils can identify and apply the sporting spirit values in games that they play. Understand how to use equipment safelyYear 5 Pupils show a good understanding of a variety of games. They can adapt the rules of a game for an intended purpose.Pupils are able to assess their own performance and the performance of others to identify areas for development.Pupils consistently demonstrate the sporting spirit values in a range of games situations.Understand how to use a range of different equipment safely.Year 6 Pupils show a good understanding of a variety of games. They can create their own rules for games they have created themselves. Pupils are able to assess their own performance and the performance of others to identify specific areas for development that will specifically impact on the performances. Pupils consistently demonstrate the sporting spirit values in a range of games situations and understand the impact this can have on team performances. Understand how to use a range of different equipment safely and support others in doing so.
Invasion Games
Year 3 Throw/catch/kick/ pass ball in different ways for accuracy and distance.(with some support)Identify most suitable throw/pass for game situation (with some support)Move with a ball towards goals with increasing control.Understand their role as an attacker and as a defenderMove into space to help support a team (with support)Defend an opponent and try to win the ball(with support)Year 4 Throw/catch/kick/ pass ball in different ways for accuracy and distance.Identify most suitable throw/pass for game situationPass, receive and shoot the ball with increasing control.Work as part of a team to keep possession and score goals when attacking. Defend one on one and know when and how to win the ballMove into space to help support a team Use simple tactics to help a team score or gain possession.Year 5 Effectively throw/catch/kick/ pass ball in different ways for accuracy and distance.Identify most suitable throw/pass for game situation and implement effectively.Pass, receive and shoot the ball with some control under pressurePlay in a range of positions and begin to contribute effectively when attacking and defending.Use effective movement into spaces  during games to support a team.Understand there are different skills for different situations and begin to use these.  Year 6 Identify most effective Throw/catch/kick/pass to use for accuracy and distance.Support others in identifying most suitable throw/pass for game situationPass, receive and shoot the ball with increasing control under pressure.Select and apply different movement skills to lose a defender.Use marking, and/or interception to improve defendingSelect the appropriate action for the situation.Create and use a variety of tactics to help a team.Create and use space effectively  and lead other team members in doing so.
Net Games
Year 3 Use knowledge of space to identify best positions to stand during a game.(with some support)Begin to use correct racket techniques for forehand and backhand stroke.Begin to serve from a bounced ball.Begin to play a range of basic shots.Begin to develop a short rally of shots.Begin to move quickly around the court using a variety of movement patterns.Choose use and vary simple tactics.Begin to play short games against an opponent.Year 4 Use knowledge of space to identify best positions to stand during a game.Use correct racket techniques for forehand and backhand stroke. Serve accurately from a bounced ball.Play a range of basic shots with increasing accuracy.Begin to develop a longer rally of shots.Begin to use a range of basic racket skills and variety of shots in different areas of the court.Demonstrate good footwork on the court.Return to the ready position to defend my own court.Play short games against an opponent.Year 5 Use knowledge of space to effectively identify best positions to stand during a game.Begin to use correct racket techniques for volley strokes.Begin to use overhead serve.Develop wider range of skills and begin to use these under some pressure.Select and apply preferred skills with increasing consistency.Understand the need for tactics and make decisions about when best to use them.Begin to play continuous games.Play cooperatively with a partner.Demonstrate good footwork to cover a court space in a game situation.Year 6 Use space effectively and consistently  to impact on the game. Use a variety of correct techniques for racket skills with greater accuracy and precision.Develop accuracy of overhead serve.Use a wider range of skills in game situations.Play cooperatively with a partner / in a team.Demonstrate good decision making when making shots within a game.Identify and use a variety of tactics effectively.
Striking and Fielding Games
Year 3 Use overarm and underarm throwing, and catching skills with increasing accuracy.Begin to use correct body position to strike a ball.Begin to strike a bowled ball after a bounce.Bowl a ball (underarm) towards a target.Use knowledge of  space to make decisions about best places to stand during a team game to support the game.Develop an understanding of tactics and begin to use them in game situations.  Year 4 Use accurate overarm and underarm throwing, and catching skills.Use correct body position to strike a ball with increasing accuracy.Strike a bowl and ball after a bounce.Bowl a ball (underarm) with accuracy, and consistency. Make accurate decisions about best places to stand during a team game to support the game.Choose and use simple tactics for different situations.Year 5 Choose and use most effective type of throw/catch to support the game in play.Use correct body position to strike a ball accurately.Strike a bowled ball after a bounce with increasing accuracy.Begin to use correct technique for bowling a ball.Make accurate use of space in game situations.Begin to develop a wider range of skills and use these under some pressure. Begin to use tactics for different roles (e.g. batter, bowler, fielder)  Year 6 Accurately use most effective throw/catch to support the game. Use effective body positioning when striking a ball for precision and accuracy.Strike a bowled ball accurately.Use accurate bowling techniques. Support others in making accurate use of space in game situations.Select the appropriate action for the situation.Use a variety of tactics  effectively in different roles in competitive games.  
Year 3 Respond imaginatively to a range of stimuli.Create own dance motifs/ phrases that communicate ideas (individually/ with partner/in small group)Create longer dance sequences with beginning, middle and end. Consider best ways to link movements.  Experiment with choreographic devices of unison, mirroring, shadowing & symmetry.Perform with awareness of rhythm, control and expression Explain choices for movements and expressive qualities used.Identify own strengths and weaknesses and suggestions for improvements.Use correct dance vocabularyYear 4 Create own dance motifs/ phrases that communicate ideas (individually/ with partner/in small group) Link movements effectively to create flow. Experiment using a range of choreographic devices (unison, mirroring, shadowing & symmetry) within one dance.Refine, remember, repeat and perform dances with control, expression, rhythm and fluency. Describe, interpret and evaluate dance, using appropriate language. Make suggestions on how to improve own and others performances.Year 5 Begin to create longer, more complex dance routines (individually/ with partner/in small group)Include a range of choreographic devices (unison, mirroring, shadowing & symmetry) within one dance.Adapt and refine actions, dynamics and relationships in a dance for maximum effect.Repeat, remember and perform phrases with increasing  precision, expression, rhythm  and fluency. Identify, perform  and comment on different styles of dance. Make specific suggestions on how to improve own and others performances.Use correct dance vocabulary  Year 6 Work creatively and imaginatively to create longer, more complex dance routines (individually/ with partner/in small group)Repeat, remember and perform phrases with precision, expression, rhythm and fluency. Experiment with, adapting  and refinining  changes of pace/tempo/style/relationships  within own dance creations.Include a range of choreographic devices (unison, mirroring, shadowing, symmetry & use of props) within one dance.Use correct vocabulary to evaluate and make specific suggestions on how to improve own and others performances.  
Year 3 Perform a greater variety of travelling moves (e.g. catspring, cartwheels, turns) with increasing accuracy.Perform a greater variety of jumps with increasing accuracy (e.g.straight, tuck, jumping jack, star, straddle, pike, straight jump half turn)Develop controlled and accurate landings.Perform a greater variety of rolls with increasing accuracy (teddy bear roll, forward roll from standing, backwards roll from standing)Perform more complex balances and shapes with increasing accuracy (e.g. crab, balances on apparatus, symmetrical)Jump on/off equipment safely and accurately.Create and perform simple gymnastics sequences of their own with increasing control (combining jumps, rolls, balances & travelling moves) Move in unison with a partner.Adapt sequences to suit different types of apparatus.Identify strengths and weaknesses of own performances and suggest how performances could be improved.Year 4 Accurately perform a variety of travelling moves (e.g. monkey walk, tiptoe, step, jump, hop, chassis steps, jumps, leaps) Accurately perform a variety of jumps (e.g. straight jump half & full turn, tuck and pin jumps off apparatus)Land with accuracy and control. Accurately perform a variety of rolls (forwards & backwards straddle roll)Accurately perform balances individually and with a partner (e.g 1, 2, 3 and 4 point balances)Create and perform more complex gymnastics sequences of their own with increasing control (consider changes in level, speed, shape etc.. )Understand how body tension can improve the control and quality of their movements.Identify strengths and weaknesses of own and other’s performances and suggest how performances could be improved.Year 5 Perform a variety of gymnastics rolls, jumps, balances and travelling moves with accuracy and control.Create and perform sequences using apparatus, individually and with a partner.Experiment with canon/synchronisation,  matching/mirroring when performing with a partner/group and say how it affects the performance.Use strength and flexibility to improve the quality of a performance Accurately perform balances individually and with a partner (e.g handstand against wall/support) Use set criteria to make simple judgments about performances and suggest ways they could be improved.  Year 6 Perform a variety of gymnastics rolls, jumps, balances and travelling moves with accuracy and control.Perform gymnastic actions, shapes and balances with control and fluency.Create and perform sequences using a variety of compositional devices to improve the quality.Accurately perform balances individually and with a partner (e.g handstand)Understand what counter balance and counter tension is and show examples with a partner.Create and perform own complex sequences involving a full range of actions and movements with accuracy and precision.Show precise and controlled placement of body partsConfidently use a range of equipment in their gymnastic sequences. Use set criteria to make  judgments about performances and use feedback to improve a sequence.                        
Year 3 Run at fast, medium and slow speeds using correct leg and arm actions. Combine running with jumping over hurdles with a focus on lead and trail leg Use different take off and landings when jumping.Develop jumping for distance and height.Take part in a relay activity, remembering when to run and what to do.Throw a variety of objects, changing my action for accuracy and distanceBegin to record my distances, numbers and timesYear 4 Improve technique for sprintingDemonstrate differences between sprinting and running over varying distancesTake part in a relay – develop baton passing skills.Demonstrate different throwing techniques for distance.Throw with some accuracy and power into a target area.Jump for distance and height with control and balance. –introduce technique for standing triple jump.Record my distances, numbers and times  Year 5 Practise and refine sprinting technique including sprint startChoose the best pace for a running event.Perform a range of jumps accurately e.g. an effective standing jump and triple jump. Show control at take-off in jumping activities – introduce vertical jump techniques.Show accuracy and good technique when throwing for distanceUnderstand how stamina and power help people to perform well in different athletic activities.Record  distances, numbers and times and try to improve on previous best performances.Lead a partner through short warm-up routines.    Year 6 Demonstrate effective sprinting techniques.Select and apply the best pace for a running event. Demonstrate stamina over longer distances to maintain a sustained speed Build up speed quickly for sprint finish Run over hurdles with fluency – lead leg focus and consistent stride Work as a team in a relay Exchange a baton with success. Perform jumps for height and distance using accurate technique.Perform effective triple jump technique.Show accuracy and good technique when throwing for distance.Lead a small group through a short warm-up routine.
Year 3Year 4Year 5 Orientate themselves on a short trail Create a trail for others to follow Communicate effectively to complete a route Complete route as an individual and as a team Identify a key on a map Use a map to complete an orienteering course Begin to use a compass Reflect on when and how they were successful at solving challenges, and alter methods in order to improve.Work effectively with a partner and a small group, sharing ideas and agreeing on a team strategy.Use critical thinking to approach a task.Year 6 Orientate themselves with confidence around a course Design a course that is clear to follow and offers challenge Communicate clearly Orienteer as an individual and in a team Use a compass effectively for navigationUse critical thinking to form ideasPool ideas within a group, selecting and applying the best method to solve a problem.Reflect on why and how they are successful at solving challenges and adapt methods in order to improve.Orientate and map efficiently to navigate around a course.
A programme of swimming study delivered by local swimming coaches. An opportunity for all pupils to develop water confidence through a range of exercises, games and drills. Pupils will be taught about water safety and safe self-rescue. They will develop kicking, arm pull and breathing techniques as well as correct body position to improve buoyancy and stroke efficiency. Targets: swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metresuse a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations


 Text Box: PE Progression of VocabularyHealthy Body & MindDance VocabGames VocabGymnastics VocabAthletics VocabOAASwimming
Rec Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary SchoolWelcome to Hylton Castle ...             
body changes hot sweat take turns
move travel copygames rules instructions team strength equipmentjump land travel balance body skipping hopping runningrunning directions space jump hop throw catch skip    N/AN/A
Year 1 Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary SchoolWelcome to Hylton Castle ...         
health fitness exercise body changes heart beat faster slower  
stillness direction space repeat levels speed perform unison canon  underarm overarm striking speed controlling shooting scoring direction target marking dodging position bowled      gallop sideways log roll forward roll squat pin jump jumping jack sequence body parts shapetarget overarm underarm land leap repeat jogging sprinting speed distance  N/Asafe enter exit breathing straight bent flick float jump width length                  
 Healthy Body & MindDance VocabGames VocabGymnastics VocabAthletics VocabOAASwimming
Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary SchoolWelcome to Hylton Castle ...Year 2heart rate pulse increase breathing independently    phrase accuracy control rhythm expression link mirroring compose motif shadowing    fielding intercept attack defend tactics performance opposition invasion participate co-operate compete technique  bunny hop backward roll tuck jump bridge explore actions link smoothly combining accuracy      pace take off landing baton relay strengths weaknesses technique control accurately evaluate accelerateN/Asafe enter exit breathing straight bent flick float jump width length
 Healthy Body & MindDance VocabGames VocabGymnastics VocabAthletics VocabOAASwimming
Year 3 Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary SchoolWelcome to Hylton Castle ...     
scientific explanation effects lifestyle      
choreography experiment symmetry perform control expression strengths weaknesses suggestions improvements          receive control role opponent possession forehand backhand stroke serve rally sportsmanship        catspring cartwheel straight jump tuck jump star jump straddle jump pike jump teddy bear roll crab symmetrical unison adaptleading leg trail leg hurdles take off landings control preferred landing foot stamina obstacles stance diagonal approach  N/Aconfidence drills safety rescue position stroke distance breast stroke front crawl  
 Healthy Body & MindDance VocabGames VocabGymnastics VocabAthletics VocabOAASwimming
Year  4 Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary SchoolWelcome to Hylton Castle ...   
scientific explanation effects lifestyle        
flow refine perform control expression rhythm fluency orientation interpret evaluate          apply range identify positions serve shots court footwork defend decisions        monkey walk tiptoe chassis steps leaps point balances level body tension strengths weaknesses performances improvements  technique baton accuracy power target standing triple jump. record          N/Aconfidence drills safety rescue position stroke distance breast stroke front crawl  
 Healthy Body & MindDance VocabGames VocabGymnastics VocabAthletics VocabOAASwimming
Year 5 Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary SchoolWelcome to Hylton Castle ...   
mental well-being social        
adapt dynamics relationships effect precision identify comment styles performances        zonal/man marking adapt assess performance develop effective implement contribute consistency offside continuous technique              canon synchronisation matching mirroring flexibility handstand symmetrical asymmetrical rotation take-off flight evaluation walk overaccuracy trajectory release performance position control sprint start triple jump. vertical jump technique power previous best  orientate trail follow communicate key map course compass strategy critical thinkingbackstroke back crawl technique control speed stamina improve dive buoyancy position
 Healthy Body & MindDance VocabGames VocabGymnastics VocabAthletics VocabOAASwimming
Year 6 Welcome to Hylton Castle Primary SchoolWelcome to Hylton Castle ...mental well-being social      creative complex expression refining pace tempo style pattern technique variation genre gesture  create impact interception improve appropriate precision decision making body positioning competitive      fluency compositional devices counter balance counter tension precision. placement feedback improve  stamina maintain sustained speed fluency consistent stride exchange effective  design challenge navigation reflect adapt improve  backstroke back crawl technique control speed stamina improve dive buoyancy position